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  • Online ESL Teacher 面試心得

  • 企業名 TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 論件計酬483~0元
  • 工作內容 Responsibilities: 1. General English Courses: (1) Teach both adult and young learners English online, emphasizing spoken English with systematic work on all four skills, plus grammar and vocabulary development. (2) Use set materials based on course books created by prestigious publishing houses, like Oxford University Press. (3) Prepare lessons thoroughly, and in some cases correct written assignments outside scheduled class times. (4) Provide student feedback after class. 2. Premium Paid Courses: (1) Teach courses to prepare students for IELTS, TOEFL, and/or TOEIC. (2) Teach courses to prepare students for Taiwan-specific high school and/or university entrance exams. (3) Engage potential students through a short introductory class illustrating the value of a TutorABC program. Qualifications: ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: CEFR C2 proficiency ESSENTIAL: 1. Minimum of a bachelor degree from an accredited university. 2. Minimum of 1 year teaching experience in General English for adults or juniors at all levels. 3. TESOL/TEFL/TESL qualification or a bachelor’s/master’s degree in education/TESOL/ESL. 4. Familiarity with a range of relevant course materials. 5. A high level of linguistic awareness. 6. A high level of computer skills. 7. Friendly, engaging personality. DESIRABLE: 1. Experience with online teaching. 2. DELTA or CELTA trained and certified. Teaching Hours: · Flexible scheduling 24/7 · Peak hours per week (GMT+8): Mon. – Sun. 19:30 – 20:30 / 20:30 – 21:30 Wed. 13:30 – 14:30 / 14:30 – 15:30 Sat.- Sun. 08:30 – 12:30 /13:30 – 16:30 Apply via: Application link: https://join.tutorabc.com/#/?fromwhere=mgm&referralCode=EJBA For any inquiry, please contact helpme@tutorabc.com. Salary and Benefits 1. Training and all classroom materials provided. 2. For teachers that meet the above requirements and show demonstrable pedagogical knowledge in a 1-on-1 interview, our new standard rate for General English classes goes up to USD 18 per 45-minute session, including bonuses. 3. Well-performing teachers can qualify to teach on higher-paying courses on our platform, where the highest paid teachers earn up to USD 25 per session depending on the type of class. 4. Work for a company with a growing international presence and possibilities for future career development. Job Summary As the leading provider of online English classes in Taiwan, TutorABC engages English teachers across all time zones to cover our classes, which we offer 24/7 to both adults and juniors. We are seeking teachers for 2 types of English courses: (1) General English, and (2) Premium classes. Teachers may specialize in 1 type or both. We provide teachers with comprehensive training packages, and prompt feedback, fostering real-person communication to ensure teachers feel well-equipped and supported.
  • TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • Online Bilingual ESL Teacher (English-Japanese) 面試心得

  • 企業名 TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 論件計酬483~0元
  • 工作內容 Responsibilities: 1. General English Courses: (1) Teach both adult and young learners English online, emphasizing spoken English with systematic work on all four skills, plus grammar and vocabulary development. (2) Use set materials based on course books created by prestigious publishing houses, like Oxford University Press. (3) Prepare lessons thoroughly, and in some cases correct written assignments outside scheduled class times. (4) Provide student feedback after class. 2. Premium Paid Courses: (1) Teach courses to prepare students for IELTS, TOEFL, and/or TOEIC. (2) Teach courses to prepare students for Taiwan-specific high school and/or university entrance exams. (3) Engage potential students through a short introductory class illustrating the value of a TutorABC program. Qualifications: LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: CEFR C2 in Japanese and at least Upper Intermediate (CEFR B2) in English Or CEFR C2 in English and CEFR B1 in Japanese ESSENTIAL: 1. Minimum of a bachelor degree from an accredited university. 2. Minimum of 1 year teaching experience in General English for adults or juniors at all levels. 3. TESOL/TEFL/TESL qualification or a bachelor’s/master’s degree in education/TESOL/ESL. 4. Familiarity with a range of relevant course materials. 5. A high level of linguistic awareness. 6. A high level of computer skills. 7. Friendly, engaging personality. DESIRABLE: 1. CEFR C2 proficiency 2. Experience with online teaching. 3. DELTA or CELTA trained and certified. Teaching Hours: · Flexible scheduling 24/7 · Peak hours per week (GMT+8): Mon. – Sun. 19:30 – 20:30 / 20:30 – 21:30 Wed. 13:30 – 14:30 / 14:30 – 15:30 Sat.- Sun. 08:30 – 12:30 /13:30 – 16:30 Apply via: Application link: English-Japanese bilingual: https://join.tutorabc.com/#/?fromwhere=mgm&referralCode=BKXR For any inquiry, please contact helpme@tutorabc.com. Salary and Benefits 1. Training and all classroom materials provided. 2. For teachers that meet the above requirements and show demonstrable pedagogical knowledge in a 1-on-1 interview, our new standard rate for General English classes goes up to USD 18 per 45-minute session, including bonuses. 3. Well-performing teachers can qualify to teach on higher-paying courses on our platform, where the highest paid teachers earn up to USD 25 per session depending on the type of class. 4. Work for a company with a growing international presence and possibilities for future career development. Job Summary As the leading provider of online English classes in Taiwan, TutorABC engages English teachers across all time zones to cover our classes, which we offer 24/7 to both adults and juniors. We are seeking teachers for 2 types of English courses: (1) General English, and (2) Premium classes. Teachers may specialize in 1 type or both. We provide teachers with comprehensive training packages, and prompt feedback, fostering real-person communication to ensure teachers feel well-equipped and supported.
  • TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 會計助理

  • 企業名 優實安全衛生管理顧問有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 月薪30000~38000元
  • 工作內容 1.辦理關於帳務查核、查帳等事項 2.協助文書及資料處理的建檔、管理與審核等 3.表單登記與接聽電話 4.其他主管交辦項目 5.謹慎細心具責任感。
  • 優實安全衛生管理顧問有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 社工人員-中正區(據點)

  • 企業名 佳新護理之家
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 月薪35000元 以上
  • 工作內容 1.規劃認知促進課程/活動 2.電话問安、諮詢及轉介服務 3.據點經費核銷、每月系統彙整 4.彙整期中/期末報告 5.準備感控及品質查核 6.協助安全看視及服務 7.維護場域舒適與清潔 8.課程/活動帶領 9.其他專案協助
  • 佳新護理之家-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 台北市中正區社區夜班保全

  • 企業名 中騰保全股份有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 月薪35500元 以上
  • 工作內容 保全人員/警衛 負責門禁管制、車輛出入指揮、巡邏、防竊作業及竊盜處理工作等安全維護工作 收發文件 針對特定處所進行監視,維持公共安全,減少火災、竊盜或其他危險 控制照明、取暖、空氣調節及通風 社區安全維護管理、保障客戶生命和財產安全 *每月工作時數為240小時,若當月工時未達240小時其薪資依比例計算。
  • 中騰保全股份有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 行銷專員

  • 企業名 日羿智能有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 月薪35500元 以上
  • 工作內容 1.依公司或顧客需求,做大型事件行銷規劃及執行、資料分析及市場調查 2.規劃公司或顧客對外的行銷活動與媒體活動,並對其效益進行分析與建議 3.與各部門溝通,以了解產品特色,為企劃案發想 4.負責撰寫行銷企畫書、新聞稿 5.銷售工具選擇、執行產品設計包裝、建立品牌價值
  • 日羿智能有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 業助行政人員

  • 企業名 日羿智能有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 月薪35000~50000元
  • 工作內容 1.協助客戶對於商品價格的查詢及報價相關的問題 2.文件之整理,建檔以及追蹤,回覆顧客信件 3.顧客連絡資料整理 4.完成業務主管其他交辦事項 需會word、 excel 有美編經驗佳 另享業務獎金另計
  • 日羿智能有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 前端工程師

  • 企業名 日羿智能有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 月薪35000~50000元
  • 工作內容 1.與產品經理、產品設計師、後端工程師合作,參與產品的 UI 設計和需求討論, 開發和維護公司產品<br/> 2.與其他前端工程師協同合作<br/> 3.負責網站、行動裝置網頁前端程式撰寫<br/> 4.維護並優化頁面效能<br/> 5.與後端工程師配合,串接 API,完成產品開發<br/> 6.模組化前端組件,建立前端開發架構,提高前端開發的效率<br/> 7.對前端相關領域技術保持持續關注,用合理的技術方案解決問題<br/>
  • 日羿智能有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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  • 電訪工讀生

  • 企業名 建儒科技文教有限公司
  • 工作地點 台北市中正區
  • 薪資 時薪183~0元
  • 工作內容 〔工作內容〕電訪邀約試聽 〔工作時間〕一周排班一次 週一至週五 中班(2:30-5:30) ※6月中之後平日才有中班* 晚班(6:30-9:30) 週六 早班(10:00-1:30) ※早班視狀況而定※ 中班(2:30-5:30) 晚班(6:30-9:30) 週日 早班(10:00-1:30) ※早班視狀況而定※ 中班(2:30-5:30) 晚班(6:30-9:30)
  • 建儒科技文教有限公司-使用1111轉職專區 https://central1111.com.tw/turn/

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