薪資範圍 :









  • 其他語言選擇
  • 身分類型:










    月薪 28000~32000元

    1.國小學童的課業輔導:檢查作業、預習與複習學校功課、考前複習及模擬考、批改評量考卷 2.教授生活常規 3.寒暑假課程的規劃與執行:製作課程講義及考卷 4.協調學生的衝突 5.掌握學生的學習狀況,與家長聯繫、討論溝通 6.協助櫃檯事務及招生宣傳


    1.國小學童的課業輔導:檢查作業、預習與複習學校功課、考前複習及模擬考、批改評量考卷 2.教授生活常規 3.寒暑假課程的規劃與執行:製作課程講義及考卷 4.協調學生的衝突 5.掌握學生的學習狀況,與家長聯繫、討論溝通 6.協助櫃檯事務及招生宣傳



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    私立向上文理短期補習班-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元

    1.協助工程師收發文件、整理相關資料,並管理相關文件與檔案 2.文件翻譯及口譯 3製作報價單、 帳單、處理訂貨、出貨 4進出口業務 5其他主管工程師及交辦事項


    1.協助工程師收發文件、整理相關資料,並管理相關文件與檔案 2.文件翻譯及口譯 3製作報價單、 帳單、處理訂貨、出貨 4進出口業務 5其他主管工程師及交辦事項



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    致茂電子股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元

    1.電腦硬體、軟體維護。 2.VM、機房、網路管理等專業知識與技能。 3.能執行Windows作業系統安裝,協助使用者電腦問題之故障排除。 4.有操作SAP經驗尤佳


    1.電腦硬體、軟體維護。 2.VM、機房、網路管理等專業知識與技能。 3.能執行Windows作業系統安裝,協助使用者電腦問題之故障排除。 4.有操作SAP經驗尤佳



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    馳諾瓦科技股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/





    1. 處理客戶訂單 2. 協助主管完成各項業務的執行 3. 對應台灣總公司需求


    1. 處理客戶訂單 2. 協助主管完成各項業務的執行 3. 對應台灣總公司需求



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    上銀科技股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元

    Chroma ATEの電子計測器を日本メーカーに納品、メンテナンス等のサポートをするお仕事 【具体的には】 ①社内又はメーカー工場で修理・校正作業 ②製品の動作確認、システム商品の立ち上げ作業 ③ユーザーからの現地合わせ対応、トレーニング実施 ④アフターサービス全般 工作內容 電器檢測儀的售後維修服務 1在公司內及工廠進行修理校正作業 2產品的動作確認,系統商品的調整 3用戶的對應及培訓 4售後服務


    Chroma ATEの電子計測器を日本メーカーに納品、メンテナンス等のサポートをするお仕事 【具体的には】 ①社内又はメーカー工場で修理・校正作業 ②製品の動作確認、システム商品の立ち上げ作業 ③ユーザーからの現地合わせ対応、トレーニング実施 ④アフターサービス全般 工作內容 電器檢測儀的售後維修服務 1在公司內及工廠進行修理校正作業 2產品的動作確認,系統商品的調整 3用戶的對應及培訓 4售後服務



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    致茂電子股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/





    飛宏科技深耕電源產品50多年,為全球十大頂尖的電源供應器供應商之一 目前日本團隊擴大招募中~‼️ 歡迎加入飛宏,成就你的職涯藍圖! 【職務說明】 1.日本市場電源 (客戶應對, 開發策略, 訂單更催, 跨部門溝通, 貨款確認等等) 2.新商品的提案及開發新客戶 3.日文文件及信件翻譯, 客戶來訪即時口譯 4.積極主動,能獨立作業 【幸福飛宏】 ◆ 我們提供具競爭力的獎酬制度以及完善的福利項目 ◆ 把員工視為最重要的資產,注重人才培訓,擁有完整教育訓練體系


    飛宏科技深耕電源產品50多年,為全球十大頂尖的電源供應器供應商之一 目前日本團隊擴大招募中~‼️ 歡迎加入飛宏,成就你的職涯藍圖! 【職務說明】 1.日本市場電源 (客戶應對, 開發策略, 訂單更催, 跨部門溝通, 貨款確認等等) 2.新商品的提案及開發新客戶 3.日文文件及信件翻譯, 客戶來訪即時口譯 4.積極主動,能獨立作業 【幸福飛宏】 ◆ 我們提供具競爭力的獎酬制度以及完善的福利項目 ◆ 把員工視為最重要的資產,注重人才培訓,擁有完整教育訓練體系



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    飛宏科技股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    月薪 28000~33000元

    貳輪嶼,正處於一個持續擴張的關鍵時期,我們致力於透過科技創新與人性化的策略,重塑傳統機車行業的商業模式。我們追求創新與持續進步,目標建立一個獨一無二的品牌形象,讓顧客體驗到別具一格的機車購買及服務過程。 我們是個充滿活力的團隊,團隊平均年齡不到30歲,期待通過新穎的思維為這個行業帶來新的活力與創意。 作為台灣最大的二手機車銷售品牌,我們的願景是拓展到全台灣的每一個角落,為顧客提供卓越無比的產品和服務。隨著業務的不斷擴大,我們急需像您這樣富有熱情且具遠見的優秀人才,加入我們這個充滿活力的團隊。 如果你渴望在一個支持和鼓勵團隊合作的環境中發展,那麼這就是為你量身定做的機會。加入我們的團隊,體驗獨特的職業生涯,享受穩定及成長的機會! 【工作內容】 1. 行政與文件管理 - 負責郵件和文件的收發、管理和更新 - 外出送件、取文件及簡易銀行業務 - 協助銀行業務及相關行政事宜 2. 辦公室管理 - 辦公用品和設備的採購與維護 - 庶務採購 3. 活動和會議籌備 - 協助公司活動和會議的場地預訂、日程安排 4. 財務與帳務處理 - 基本帳務與應收應付處理 - 零用金處理及發票開立(手開) - 營業稅資料整理及費用支付審核 5. 與會計師協作 - 配合稅務申報(包含:營業稅、營所稅…等) - 協助銀行往來事務 6.分店資料管理 - 核對各分店買賣資料並列印裝訂,更新進銷項差額。 - 協助進銷項發票登記與開立。 【適合對象】 1. 人格特質:細心、謹慎、有責任感。 2. 能力要求:具備良好的組織能力和時間管理能力,能夠有效地處理多項任務。 3. 工作態度:積極主動、願意學習新知識和技能,具備良好的溝通能力和團隊合作精神。 【其他加分條件】 1. 具備基本會計知識者佳。 2. 熟悉文書處理軟體及基本辦公設備操作。 3. 具會計相關學歷背景或工作經歷。 【未來發展】 1. 成長空間:大量實踐與學習機會。 2. 分店持續擴張中,將機會參與新店開幕和擴展計劃。 3. 職位晉升機會:表現優異的員工將有機會轉任財務會計助理或財務會計專員,承擔更多的財務管理職責和決策權。 在我們公司,我們相信員工的成長是公司成功的關鍵。透過參與各種項目和跨部門合作,員工將有機會了解各項業務的不同方面,並發掘自己的潛力和興趣。我們鼓勵員工設定個人職業目標,並給予支持和資源來達成這些目標。 【應聘流程】 //步驟1:職缺投遞履歷 (打開人力銀行,找到此職缺,按下我要應徵) //步驟2:審查與面試 (你的履歷通過書面審查之後,人力資源處將寄發邀請通知,進入面試階段及專業測試流程) //步驟3:加入我們 (面試結束後,公司會進行內部審視流程。通過遴選的應徵者,將會收到後續錄用及報到程序通知) 我們期待細心謹慎、充滿熱情的你加入貳輪嶼,一同成長,共創美好未來!


    貳輪嶼,正處於一個持續擴張的關鍵時期,我們致力於透過科技創新與人性化的策略,重塑傳統機車行業的商業模式。我們追求創新與持續進步,目標建立一個獨一無二的品牌形象,讓顧客體驗到別具一格的機車購買及服務過程。 我們是個充滿活力的團隊,團隊平均年齡不到30歲,期待通過新穎的思維為這個行業帶來新的活力與創意。 作為台灣最大的二手機車銷售品牌,我們的願景是拓展到全台灣的每一個角落,為顧客提供卓越無比的產品和服務。隨著業務的不斷擴大,我們急需像您這樣富有熱情且具遠見的優秀人才,加入我們這個充滿活力的團隊。 如果你渴望在一個支持和鼓勵團隊合作的環境中發展,那麼這就是為你量身定做的機會。加入我們的團隊,體驗獨特的職業生涯,享受穩定及成長的機會! 【工作內容】 1. 行政與文件管理 - 負責郵件和文件的收發、管理和更新 - 外出送件、取文件及簡易銀行業務 - 協助銀行業務及相關行政事宜 2. 辦公室管理 - 辦公用品和設備的採購與維護 - 庶務採購 3. 活動和會議籌備 - 協助公司活動和會議的場地預訂、日程安排 4. 財務與帳務處理 - 基本帳務與應收應付處理 - 零用金處理及發票開立(手開) - 營業稅資料整理及費用支付審核 5. 與會計師協作 - 配合稅務申報(包含:營業稅、營所稅…等) - 協助銀行往來事務 6.分店資料管理 - 核對各分店買賣資料並列印裝訂,更新進銷項差額。 - 協助進銷項發票登記與開立。 【適合對象】 1. 人格特質:細心、謹慎、有責任感。 2. 能力要求:具備良好的組織能力和時間管理能力,能夠有效地處理多項任務。 3. 工作態度:積極主動、願意學習新知識和技能,具備良好的溝通能力和團隊合作精神。 【其他加分條件】 1. 具備基本會計知識者佳。 2. 熟悉文書處理軟體及基本辦公設備操作。 3. 具會計相關學歷背景或工作經歷。 【未來發展】 1. 成長空間:大量實踐與學習機會。 2. 分店持續擴張中,將機會參與新店開幕和擴展計劃。 3. 職位晉升機會:表現優異的員工將有機會轉任財務會計助理或財務會計專員,承擔更多的財務管理職責和決策權。 在我們公司,我們相信員工的成長是公司成功的關鍵。透過參與各種項目和跨部門合作,員工將有機會了解各項業務的不同方面,並發掘自己的潛力和興趣。我們鼓勵員工設定個人職業目標,並給予支持和資源來達成這些目標。 【應聘流程】 //步驟1:職缺投遞履歷 (打開人力銀行,找到此職缺,按下我要應徵) //步驟2:審查與面試 (你的履歷通過書面審查之後,人力資源處將寄發邀請通知,進入面試階段及專業測試流程) //步驟3:加入我們 (面試結束後,公司會進行內部審視流程。通過遴選的應徵者,將會收到後續錄用及報到程序通知) 我們期待細心謹慎、充滿熱情的你加入貳輪嶼,一同成長,共創美好未來!



    應徵 收藏11~30人 應徵
    貳輪嶼股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/





    *Main job content: Conduct evaluations and tests based on SEMI standards and standards related to industrial machinery and summarize the results in a report. *In charge of projects for SEMI evaluations and related industrial machinery / electric safety evaluations.


    *Main job content: Conduct evaluations and tests based on SEMI standards and standards related to industrial machinery and summarize the results in a report. *In charge of projects for SEMI evaluations and related industrial machinery / electric safety evaluations.



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    全國公證檢驗股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元

    1.日本市場電源 (客戶應對, 開發策略, 訂單更催, 跨部門溝通, 貨款確認等等) 2.市場研究調查 3.日文文件及信件翻譯, 客戶來訪即時口譯 4.積極主動,能獨立作業


    1.日本市場電源 (客戶應對, 開發策略, 訂單更催, 跨部門溝通, 貨款確認等等) 2.市場研究調查 3.日文文件及信件翻譯, 客戶來訪即時口譯 4.積極主動,能獨立作業



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    馳諾瓦科技股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/





    歡迎日本當地留學生、就職中社員投遞 薪資、制度、福利: 依照日本當地法規條件為基準,薪資條件面議 About the job (駐廠Leader) o Location: Chitose, Hokkaido Japan. o Language: JLPT N1 o Duration: Permanent o Interview Process: 3 rounds - final will be with the Country Manager Role & Responsibilities: o Managing the day-to-day activities of the team. o Motivating the team to achieve organizational goals. o Developing and implementing a timeline to achieve targets. o Delegating tasks to team members. o Conducting training of team members to maximize their potential. o Empowering team members with skills to improve their confidence, product knowledge, and communication skills. o Conducting quarterly performance reviews. o Contributing to the growth of the company through a successful team. o Creating a pleasant working environment that inspires the team. o Prepare weekly reports to update Service team or HQ for customer support, job completion and other issues pertaining to team performance. o Work closely with Operations and Sales Departments to achieve Company’s goals and objectives. o Other tasks deemed necessary by the Management. What will make you succeed in the role? o Leadership Leadership Leadership o Continuous Learning: Never stop growing. o Open-Minded Collaboration: Communicate well, work effectively in teams. o Resilience under Pressure: Thrive in high-pressure situations. o Customer-Centric Focus: Prioritize excellent customer service. o Autonomy and Interpersonal Skills: Work independently yet excel in interactions.


    歡迎日本當地留學生、就職中社員投遞 薪資、制度、福利: 依照日本當地法規條件為基準,薪資條件面議 About the job (駐廠Leader) o Location: Chitose, Hokkaido Japan. o Language: JLPT N1 o Duration: Permanent o Interview Process: 3 rounds - final will be with the Country Manager Role & Responsibilities: o Managing the day-to-day activities of the team. o Motivating the team to achieve organizational goals. o Developing and implementing a timeline to achieve targets. o Delegating tasks to team members. o Conducting training of team members to maximize their potential. o Empowering team members with skills to improve their confidence, product knowledge, and communication skills. o Conducting quarterly performance reviews. o Contributing to the growth of the company through a successful team. o Creating a pleasant working environment that inspires the team. o Prepare weekly reports to update Service team or HQ for customer support, job completion and other issues pertaining to team performance. o Work closely with Operations and Sales Departments to achieve Company’s goals and objectives. o Other tasks deemed necessary by the Management. What will make you succeed in the role? o Leadership Leadership Leadership o Continuous Learning: Never stop growing. o Open-Minded Collaboration: Communicate well, work effectively in teams. o Resilience under Pressure: Thrive in high-pressure situations. o Customer-Centric Focus: Prioritize excellent customer service. o Autonomy and Interpersonal Skills: Work independently yet excel in interactions.



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    諾威量測設備股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元

    歡迎日本當地留學生、就職中社員投遞 薪資、制度、福利: 依照日本當地法規條件為基準,薪資條件面議 About the job (一般會計) o Location: Tokyo (Gotanda), Japan. o Language: JLPT N1 o Duration: Permanent o Interview Process: 3 rounds - final will be with the Country Manager and HR Director Role & Responsibilities o Treasury - Focus on payment process, bank reconciliation, account reconciliation, monthly cashflow report, cash forecast preparation, and a focal point for bank correspondence o Accounts Receivable - Issue customer billing and support monthly revenue recognition process. o Fixed assets - Manage company assets registration and prepayment. o Accounts Payable - Ensure timely and accurate performance of A/P duties in accordance with company’s accounting policies and schedule including employees expense report review and processing. o Financial and Tax Audit and CTAX reporting– Support local financial statement preparation, support audit with providing data upon request, and CTAX reporting preparation. o Payroll - Support monthly payroll process in accordance with company‘s internal policy and SOX control. o Budgeting - Ensure accurate bookkeeping per different budget types, budget vs actual variance analysis, and assist in budgeting and forecasting processes. o Period end closing - Manage period end closing task such as accruals, analytical review, and Intercompany transactions within our ERP, and prepare reporting package. o Compliance, Internal controls, and SOX - Prepare documentation per sox requirements to ensure compliance with company’s rules and policies as well as local accounting, tax and other statutory regulations. o ERP implementation - Assistance in setup, testing and data migration during the transition period. o Tax - Support statutory tax filing process. o Support company secretarial process and documentation. o AD hoc tasks What will make you succeed in the role? o Continuous Learning: Never stop growing and attention to the detail & accuracy o Open-Minded Collaboration: Communicate well, work effectively in teams. o Resilience under Pressure: Thrive in high-pressure situations. o Customer-Centric Focus: Prioritize excellent customer service. o Autonomy and Interpersonal Skills: Work independently yet excel in interactions. o Excellent analytical and problem-solving Skills.


    歡迎日本當地留學生、就職中社員投遞 薪資、制度、福利: 依照日本當地法規條件為基準,薪資條件面議 About the job (一般會計) o Location: Tokyo (Gotanda), Japan. o Language: JLPT N1 o Duration: Permanent o Interview Process: 3 rounds - final will be with the Country Manager and HR Director Role & Responsibilities o Treasury - Focus on payment process, bank reconciliation, account reconciliation, monthly cashflow report, cash forecast preparation, and a focal point for bank correspondence o Accounts Receivable - Issue customer billing and support monthly revenue recognition process. o Fixed assets - Manage company assets registration and prepayment. o Accounts Payable - Ensure timely and accurate performance of A/P duties in accordance with company’s accounting policies and schedule including employees expense report review and processing. o Financial and Tax Audit and CTAX reporting– Support local financial statement preparation, support audit with providing data upon request, and CTAX reporting preparation. o Payroll - Support monthly payroll process in accordance with company‘s internal policy and SOX control. o Budgeting - Ensure accurate bookkeeping per different budget types, budget vs actual variance analysis, and assist in budgeting and forecasting processes. o Period end closing - Manage period end closing task such as accruals, analytical review, and Intercompany transactions within our ERP, and prepare reporting package. o Compliance, Internal controls, and SOX - Prepare documentation per sox requirements to ensure compliance with company’s rules and policies as well as local accounting, tax and other statutory regulations. o ERP implementation - Assistance in setup, testing and data migration during the transition period. o Tax - Support statutory tax filing process. o Support company secretarial process and documentation. o AD hoc tasks What will make you succeed in the role? o Continuous Learning: Never stop growing and attention to the detail & accuracy o Open-Minded Collaboration: Communicate well, work effectively in teams. o Resilience under Pressure: Thrive in high-pressure situations. o Customer-Centric Focus: Prioritize excellent customer service. o Autonomy and Interpersonal Skills: Work independently yet excel in interactions. o Excellent analytical and problem-solving Skills.



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    諾威量測設備股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 500000~1000000元

    About the job Position: HR & Office Administrator Location: Tokyo, Japan Duration: Permanent, Hybrid Work: up to 2 days work from home Interview Process: 3 rounds - final will be with the Country Manager and HR Director Role & Responsibilities: o Office reception, mail collection and courier arrangement o Manage general office maintenance, facilities management and ensure office is functioning smoothly in clean, neat, tidy, and welcoming conditions o Work closely with the local/global team as needed for office-related initiatives. o Manage relationships with vendors, service providers, and landlord, overseeing invoicing and payments. o Negotiate contracts and prices with vendors and service providers. o Provide general support to visitors and maintain a safe working environment. o Oversee adherence to office policies and procedures, implementing changes for efficiency. o Monitor and replenish office supplies inventory. o Support HR on any HR-related initiatives and project o Own the end-to-end scheduling process for interviews, coordinating with candidates, hiring managers, and interviewers to facilitate timely and efficient interviews. With TA background is big plus o New hire preparation (Name card, door access, workstation, lockers etc.) o Plan, prepare and conduct new hire onboarding/offboarding o Maintaining physical and digital personnel records like employment contracts and PTO requests o Update internal databases with new hire information, Publish and remove job ads o Coordinate payroll data o Other ad-hoc administrative tasks What will make you succeed in the role? o Continuous Learning: Never stop growing and attention to the detail & accuracy o Open-Minded Collaboration: Communicate well, work effectively in teams. o Resilience under Pressure: Thrive in high-pressure situations. o Customer-Centric Focus: Prioritize excellent customer service. o Autonomy and Interpersonal Skills: Work independently yet excel in interactions. o Excellent analytical and problem-solving Skills.


    About the job Position: HR & Office Administrator Location: Tokyo, Japan Duration: Permanent, Hybrid Work: up to 2 days work from home Interview Process: 3 rounds - final will be with the Country Manager and HR Director Role & Responsibilities: o Office reception, mail collection and courier arrangement o Manage general office maintenance, facilities management and ensure office is functioning smoothly in clean, neat, tidy, and welcoming conditions o Work closely with the local/global team as needed for office-related initiatives. o Manage relationships with vendors, service providers, and landlord, overseeing invoicing and payments. o Negotiate contracts and prices with vendors and service providers. o Provide general support to visitors and maintain a safe working environment. o Oversee adherence to office policies and procedures, implementing changes for efficiency. o Monitor and replenish office supplies inventory. o Support HR on any HR-related initiatives and project o Own the end-to-end scheduling process for interviews, coordinating with candidates, hiring managers, and interviewers to facilitate timely and efficient interviews. With TA background is big plus o New hire preparation (Name card, door access, workstation, lockers etc.) o Plan, prepare and conduct new hire onboarding/offboarding o Maintaining physical and digital personnel records like employment contracts and PTO requests o Update internal databases with new hire information, Publish and remove job ads o Coordinate payroll data o Other ad-hoc administrative tasks What will make you succeed in the role? o Continuous Learning: Never stop growing and attention to the detail & accuracy o Open-Minded Collaboration: Communicate well, work effectively in teams. o Resilience under Pressure: Thrive in high-pressure situations. o Customer-Centric Focus: Prioritize excellent customer service. o Autonomy and Interpersonal Skills: Work independently yet excel in interactions. o Excellent analytical and problem-solving Skills.



    應徵 收藏0~10人 應徵
    諾威量測設備股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/